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Lily Frencham

Chief Executive, The Association for Decentralised Energy 


Lily is the Chief Executive of the Association for Decentralised Energy, working closely with the ADE team, members and key stakeholders to promote the sustainable development of the decentralised energy sector in the UK.


Before joining the ADE 5 years ago, Lily worked at Ofgem where she led the policy and communications team of the Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive. Prior to that, she worked at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, working with stakeholders in Pacific Islands to help develop their understanding of climate science and adaptation.


Lily holds a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and a Bachelor of Communication and Media Studies, both from the University of Wollongong.


In her spare time, Lily enjoys sunshine (when she can find it), running and eating lots (mostly cheese). She is passionate about people, and believes that by understanding and supporting each other we collectively get much farther – in work, and in life. Feeling lucky to have been well supported throughout her own career, Lily is excited to support the Diverse Heat Network to ensure the future heat networks sector benefits from a diverse array of perspectives and experience!

Diverse Heat Network Board

Diverse Heat Network Champions

The Diverse Heat Network Board will be made up of individuals from each member organisation. The Board will be responsible for deciding on actions which help to deliver the vision and objectives of the group.

Learn more about the Diverse Heat Network Board

The Board members will be supported by named champions from each organisation. While the Board will provide priority areas and resources to achieve the strategic aims of the DHN, the champions will take a lead on the implementation and delivery of initiatives. ​


Learn more about the Diverse Heat Network Champions

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